Arne Myggen, Danish writer, Journalist & Radio-host Official Website
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Arne Myggen 3/2/1921 - 5/25/2005 - Press-release click here
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3 New CDs containing radio clips, speeches, and sketches (1960 to 1980) from Myggen's private audio collection is available (in Danish).

To buy them using Visa/MC click here or on the covers above

View the new Family photographs of Arne Myggen's life

Stories, poems and memories from family and friends.

Read a funny story by Myggen, translated into English.

More details about Arne Myggen

Tell us a story about Arne Myggen:
To Arne's many friends and fans in Denmark:

Arne would have liked to personally thank everyone for their support throughout his life both in Denmark and USA. Our dad often sat for hours in front of the typewriter answering fan-letters, but enjoyed it and anwered every letter. He never took his audience for granted, so to everyone who contributed to his success and enjoyment in life, Thank You.

From all the Myggens in USA.

Short version of the life
of Arne Myggen:
Arne Myggen was born March 2, 1921 in Lemvig, Denmark and died May 25, 2005 in Chatsworth, California.

At the age of 18 he started writing (and photographing) for the local newspaper. In 1942 he interviewed a promising pianist, Lillian Madsen, followed her home and asked her father if he could take her to the movies. They fell in love, married in 1945 and moved to Copenhagen, where then Arne Hansen worked for several major newspapers (including "BT" ) until 1972.

As radio emerged in Denmark, the young Arne Hansen started working free-lance as a producer and host of many different kinds of shows, and gained steadily in popularity because of his gentle manner, and sense of humour. He also was a strong contributor and influence as a writer of comedy and plays on the Danish Variety-Show scene summer after summer - as well as keeping up a daily column and lead stories in the papers.

During the 1960's and '70's Arne (Myggen) Hansen developed and produced with Klaus Walter the radio-quiz-show "Hvornår var det nu det var?" [When was that, again?] Which gained enormous popularity. It was estimated that 2 million listeners faithfully tuned in every Sunday and Thursday (in a country of less than 5 million people).

From 1965 to 1980 Mr. Myggen also authored 13 books, ranging from novels, stories, humor, and fiction.

In 1977 Arne Myggen and wife Lillian immigrated to America to retire and be closer to their two sons, Finn and Bent, who live and work in California. Finn Myggen produces commercials in Hollywood, Bent Myggen is a composer and producer now living in Santa Ynez. He died in his home in Chatsworth surrounded by his wife, sons and grandsons.

More information about Arne Myggen

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